Special Education Services » Evaluation Process & Eligibility

Evaluation Process & Eligibility

Evaluation Process

The evaluation process is designed to assist in determining the continuing needs of children following instructional support or RtI activities.  An evaluation may be initiated if an instructional support team (I.S.T.) determines a need such as.:  insufficient progress during the I.S.T. or RtI intervention period; an obvious severe disability exists; an instructional assessment suggests that a child may be disabled; a hearing officer or court makes the request; and/or if you, as a parent, make a referral.  The Multidisciplinary Team (M.D.T.) is comprised of a person knowledgeable in each area of a suspected disability, a certified school psychologist, a person familiar with or who understands the potential effects of the child’s cultural background on the results of the evaluation, the child’s regular classroom teacher, and you as the parent(s). 

In order for an evaluation to occur, written parental consent must be obtained.  An evaluation will include information from parents and direct classroom observations; it may also include measurement of academic functioning, adaptive behavior, social behavior, learning strengths and needs, and/or assessment of the child’s life skills.

There is no requirement for the M.D.T. to meet in a formal meeting.  The findings of the evaluation are presented in a typewritten Evaluation Report (E.R.), a copy of which is given to all team members within sixty (60) school days of the parent’s written consent for the evaluation.  The evaluation process is designed to determine a child’s needs and to make recommendations to an Individual Education Program (I.E.P.) team if applicable.

Special Education Eligibility 

This guide for parents of children receiving special education in Pennsylvania outlines how a child’s need for special education is determined, how a child’s educational program is developed, the responsibilities and protections guaranteed to parents and children, and the resources available to parents of a child with disabilities. This guide has been updated to reflect the July 2008 Chapter 14 regulations.

Pennsylvania Parent Guide to Special Education for School Age Children