Volunteering in IASD
Volunteering in the Indiana Area School District
Volunteering with the Indiana Area School District’s Volunteers in partnership for Schools (VIPs) team provides a way for parents and other community members to become involved in the everyday activities of our four elementary schools. Permissible activities for all volunteers and IUP Service Learning work-study students are listed below. Becoming a member of our VIPs team provides a school-community link and plays an important role in the daily activities in our elementary schools. If you are interested, please complete the registration form below and contact any of the four elementary school offices. We will be able to provide you with a more detailed description of our program.
Permissible activities for all volunteers and IUP Service Learning work-study students:
- Chaperone activities or assist classroom teachers on field trips
- Read to students or students read to volunteers for practice only
- Assist with classroom parties
- Assist with field day activities
- Assist with board games during recess
- Assist students with co-curricular projects under direct teacher supervision (e.g. science fairs, Civil War encampment, Lutherlyn)
- Tutoring or group instruction for review and practice under direct teacher supervision
- Assist teachers with displays and bulletin boards provided by the classroom teacher
- Assist with general classroom organization, not including individual student work, and preparation for art and science projects
- Assist students with reading and math reinforcement activities under direct teacher supervision
- Assisting students with drill and practice activities
- Writing a student’s dictated language experience story
- Place teacher-prepared work on the chalkboard
- Provide assistance in a computer lab under direct teacher supervision
- Provide support in a library or media center under direct supervision
Required Clearances for Volunteers
Volunteers are required to obtain and maintain proper clearances in order to work with our students. The PA Criminal Record Check and the PA Department of Human Services (DHS) Child Abuse History Certification can be obtained free of charge once every five years, and all volunteers must have these clearances.
Volunteers who have NOT been a PA resident for 10 more more years, must also obtain the FBI Fingerprint Clearance in addition to the other two clearances. The current cost is $23.85.
Volunteers who have been a Pennsylvania resident for 10 or more years are not required to get the FBI Fingerprint Clearance. However, they must sign and have notarized the affidavit that is linked below.
The links and instructions for the clearances can be found at www.iasd.cc/apps/pages/clearances. Be sure to indicate that you applying for the volunteer clearance so that you will not be charged.