IASD students take top honors in inaugural “Democracy Bowl”

Several Indiana Area School District students participated in the inaugural “Democracy Bowl,” held at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown's campus. Area schools fielded three-person teams (at 6th-8th grade and 9th-12th grade levels) to answer questions about civics, government, and history.  

Indiana Senior High School took the championship and runner-up awards at their level, competing among seventeen teams representing nine school districts.  Members of the championship team were Zeke Thomas, Jonas Vick, and Ronald Wang. The championship team received a $500 award.  Members of the runner-up team were Wynston Farrington, Max Julin, and Elizabeth Villa, and they won a $100 prize. Indiana's other team of Trey Adams, Gavin Dunmyer, and Marvin Nelson also performed well. The Indiana Senior High School sponsor was social studies teacher, Michael Bertig.   

Indiana Junior High School took third place honors at the 6th-8th grade level, competing among eleven teams who represented five school districts.  MacKenzie Brown, Lexi Thomas and Ben Stephens won a $75 prize for their school. The other two teams were made up of Gracie Reed, Kathyrn Aiken, Logan McGlinn, Cassandra Wrenn, Andrew Russell and Brayden Zoloscik.The Junior HIgh School advisors were Candice Lockard and IUP student teacher, Madison Gatskie,

The event was planned to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.